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Nov 20, 20242 min read
What's wrong with running a quasi-nonprofit using your own personal accounts, without actually setting up a real nonprofit?
What's wrong with running a quasi-nonprofit using your own personal accounts, without actually setting up a real nonprofit? A lot of...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
"‘The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.’ – Albert Einstein
"‘The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.’ – Albert Einstein
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
Wondering what happened to your refund check? These guys may have stolen it.Â
Wondering what happened to your refund check? These guys may have stolen it. Former Postal Workers Charged with Stealing U.S. Treasury...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
Why is it so important to e-file your 2021 tax return and refund claim before the Nov. 30 deadline, if it can still be paper filed until Apr. 15, 2025?
Why is it so important to e-file your 2021 tax return and refund claim before the Nov. 30 deadline, if it can still be paper filed until...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
Important deadline approaching!
Important deadline approaching! If you've been procrastinating, now is the time to get your act together. E-file shutdown for personal...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
What's the difference between a tax accountant and a general accountant?
What's the difference between a tax accountant and a general accountant? I would say that it's analogous to the difference between a...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
Here's a hack to get a retroactive tax return extension to 9/30/2025, even if you forgot to file for one:
Here's a hack to get a retroactive tax return extension to 9/30/2025, even if you forgot to file for one: The IRS gave an automatic...
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Nov 20, 20242 min read
Recently, news of proposed expanded child tax credits have been in the news. Some rumors have been swirling around, so here is a rundown:
9/2024 Recently, news of proposed expanded child tax credits have been in the news. Some rumors have been swirling around, so here is a...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
Taking tax planning a little too far:
Taking tax planning a little too far: Seen on Linkedin: "I induced my last baby Dec. 29th and had her on the 30th for tax purposes"
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
"But my expected refund is barely more than your fee!! Can I get a discount?"
"But my expected refund is barely more than your fee!! Can I get a discount?" Me: So according to that way of thinking, for people who...
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Nov 20, 20242 min read
Filing taxes for a deceased person presents many difficulties, and detective style methods may be needed to file a return properly.Â
Filing taxes for a deceased person presents many difficulties, and detective style methods may be needed to file a return properly. A...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
One thing tax pros have to watch out for on a daily basis is "spear phishing".Â
One thing tax pros have to watch out for on a daily basis is "spear phishing". Hackers trying to steal information pretend to be...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
"My experience is that professionals like yourself are paid for the actual work they do for their clients and not for dispensing advice"
"My experience is that professionals like yourself are paid for the actual work they do for their clients and not for dispensing advice...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
Is it OK to borrow money to pay for your tax accountant's fees, hoping that the refund will come quick enough to avoid any issues?
Is it OK to borrow money to pay for your tax accountant's fees, hoping that the refund will come quick enough to avoid any issues? Put it...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
Imagine getting another $4000 refund for having another accountant review your return!Â
Imagine getting another $4000 refund for having another accountant review your return! This story happened today: When people come to me...
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Nov 20, 20242 min read
Don't rely on your tax refund to pay your immediate bills! While refunds are normally issued within a few weeks of filing, they can be delayed for various reasons:
Don't rely on your tax refund to pay your immediate bills! While refunds are normally issued within a few weeks of filing, they can be...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
Using ChatGPT for tax consulting?
Using ChatGPT for tax consulting? AI systems have a great tendency to answer tax questions with common misconceptions, since most data...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
What's the best US credit card for expats with big families, who spend a lot on food each month?
What's the best US credit card for expats with big families, who spend a lot on food each month? The Capital One Savor One credit card...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
In honor of the holiday of Purim, I put together this compendium of how the super complex US Internal Revenue Code, at over 1 million words, has been repeatedly been compared to the Talmud.
3/2024 In honor of the holiday of Purim, I put together this compendium of how the super complex US Internal Revenue Code, at over 1...
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Nov 20, 20241 min read
Were you self employed in 2020 or 2021? Free analysis of your tax return to see if you may have missed claiming some valuable COVID credits on your 2021 return.Â
Were you self employed in 2020 or 2021? Free analysis of your tax return to see if you may have missed claiming some valuable COVID...
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